Feb 8 Meeting@Nat Gaurd Armory
Rhode Island Blue Star Moms | Our sons and daughters were called to duty. (ribluestarmoms.com)Next week’s meeting will be at the National Guard armory541 Airport Rd., Warwick, RI 02886 Go to the back of the building. If the gate is open, go to the last door on the right. If the gate is closed, a Blue star mom will be watching to let you in.
As a compliance reminder that mask-wearing is mandated for all federal buildings including the military. Please remember your masks, there will be disposables available in case you forget.

Here is the zoom linkJoin Zoom Meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71946451481?pwd=WUZ4TkJWaVkwVWM2c3pnWmFuSjJwZz09Meeting ID: 719 4645 1481
Passcode: 2JAQwM
Our sons and daughters were called to duty.

I support the Band of Mothers, who knows just how I feel. Sharing encouragement, stories, laughter, and tears for days or months, or years.
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm (LISTEN)
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Email: RIBlueStarMoms@gmail.com
How to Join: click here
We offer a safe place to share thoughts, concerns, and any personal stories which are kept solely within the group. You are NOT alone.
The Rhode Island Blue Star Moms is a military support group specially dedicated to supporting the troops and assisting the mothers and their families who have children serving in the U.S. military.
A chapter of the Blue Star Mothers of America, the RI Blue Star Moms provide military family support throughout the state of RI. Throughout the year, we create and send military care packages to show our loved ones that they are our heroes, that we appreciate their service and that we continue to support them while they are away from home.
We share our concerns, our support, our pride, and our devotion for our loved ones serving in the United States Armed Forces. Through various events and activities, we support fellow Blue Star Moms, associate members, our children serving in the military, our veterans, and our community. We provide military family support to benefit our members and their families and we promote causes that will benefit military personnel through a military advocacy program.
The RI Blue Star Moms is a non-partisan, non-sectarian, non-discriminatory and non-profit organization. Our mission is to support fellow Blue Star members, their sons, daughters and any other family members who are currently serving or have served in the United States military.
The Service flag is an official banner authorized by the Department of Defense for display by families who have members serving in the Armed Forces during any period of war or hostilities the United States may be engaged in for the duration of such hostilities.
EMAIL: ribluestarmoms@gmail.com

I am a soldier’s mother; I sometimes march alone
And yet I stand with many, trying to be strong.
You may not recognize me as you pass me on the street;
I may look like any other that you by chance might meet.
Like any mother, in a lot of ways, I still remain,
But watching my son become a soldier brought a forever change.
For deep down inside where you cannot see
My own battle rages that’s as real as it can be.
It starts with feeling pride in all he has become,
But often worry creeps in before the day is done.
Then there is his absence that never will seem right –
The days without a word that causes many sleepless nights.
And at the sight of another soldier, my heart skips a beat,
For it reminds me of my own, and that face I’d love to see.
And I have a deeper sense of the sacrifices our heroes make;
I can see the hardships on the families – the loneliness, the heartache.
But in spite of all that’s raging, this mother’s love holds strong
As I’m wrapped in God’s peace and comfort and given strength to go on.
© Cynthia GibbsNonprofit Organization