PATRIOT DAY Sept. 11, 2021

There are only a handful of days within recent history that have changed the course of The USA and the world as a whole. One of those days is September 11th, 2001. That day in the USA’s history is one that no one will forget, nor should we. That is why The U.S. Government created Patriot Day. Patriot Day takes place every September 11th, and it is observed by Americans and their families. It is a day to remember those that have fallen, those that helped to fight, and those that were impacted by the events of that day in 2001. And with this year being 20 years since the September 11thattacks, it is a momentous year to honor the fellow Americans we lost.
What is Patriot Day and when is it?
Patriot Day is the day chosen to remember those that lost their lives on September 11th, 2001, not just in New York City, but in The Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and in Pennsylvania. It is also a day to honor those that helped to save lives that day, or those that ended up losing their lives due to injuries or trauma after September 11th, 2001. So, the police officers, Fire Fighters, Hospital Workers, Emergency Services personnel, and other everyday people stepped up to help those in need. Every year in The United States of America, Patriot Day is observed on September 11th. In 2021 Patriot Day falls on a Saturday. It is a day to thank those that helped, and honor those that innocently lost their lives.
History of Patriot Day
Patriot Day was created on December 18th, 2001 by a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress and President George W. Bush. They knew how vital it was to honor those that we lost, and thank those that stepped up to help. Before the passage of Patriot Day went through, there were a few other names that they considered for the observation day. The National Day of Remembrance or even the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. But in the end, they decided on Patriot Day, and now we remember those lost in the September 11th attacks annually on that day.
How should we observe Patriot Day?
There are three main ways to observe Patriot Day. The first would be to lower your American flag to half-mast on September 11th each year. The second is to observe a moment of silence at 8:46 am, as that is when the first plane struck the World Trade Center Towers. And the third is to attend a memorial service honoring the victims of the terrorist attacks. And though those are the main ways to observe, we think you can honor the day in other ways, too. Like spending time with your family by taking them on a picnic or sharing a meal together, educating those that weren’t born yet on the events of that day back in 2001. You may not realize, but the fact that the attacks happened 20 years ago, means there are full-grown adults who were not alive to witness those horrific events. Taking the time to inform them and give them knowledge about that day is a great way to let the honor and patriotism of those we lost, live on forever. And a final thing to do on Patriot Day is to hold your family and loved ones close. Tell those you love that you love them. Let Patriot Day remind you how fragile human lives are and ensure that you are living your life as thoroughly and as well as possible.
Is Patriot Day a Federal Holiday?
No, Patriot Day is not a Federal Holiday. Remembrances and memorials are often held every September 11th, but schools and businesses remain open. But, even though you are still at work or the kiddos are at school, you can still observe when you get home or take part in honoring the day within the workplace. Take in a red, white, and blue bouquet. Or you can have a family-style potluck where you come together to remember those we lost and those we are thankful for.
Difference between Patriot Day vs Patriot’s Day
Patriot Day is the day of remembrance we have been mentioning above. But Patriot’s Day is different. Patriot’s Day is a day that commemorates the battles of Concord and Lexington that were fought near Boston in 1775. Patriot’s Day is annually held on the third Monday of April. And though they sound similar in name, they are extremely different and are not to be confused for the other.
Though Patriot Day has an upsetting, disheartening, and tragic past, that doesn’t mean we can’t look forward. For Patriot Day 2021, let us honor those we lost, thank those that helped, and live our lives with the strength, kindness, and compassion that the country felt 20 years ago.
copied from What Is Patriot Day? Why Do We Celebrate It? | FTD