Let us talk about our sisters. A group we never want to join. A group superior to us all.
Sept. 26, 2021 – Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day – A day to honor the families of fallen Servicemembers.

The Gold Star symbol began during World War I. At the start of the American involvement in 1917, families hung banners with blue stars representing family members in the services. If the service member died in combat, the family changed the blue star to gold.
After the war, Gold Star mothers banded together. The group was incorporated in 1928.
There are still Gold Star families from World War I, and many thousands from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Desert Shield/Desert Storm, and the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
The military mother is the strongest in the world we live in alternating fear for our child’s safety and in honor of their commitment and sacrifice say a prayer for the gold star families today it’s not a vacation day for them …
Let us talk about our sisters. A group we never want to join. A group superior to us all.

Let us talk about our sisters. A group we never want to join. A group superior to us all.